Recently, OSU shifted away from sending Public Saftey Notice emails, towards maintaining a Community Crime Map. For posterity, The Sundial recovered the last email draft created before this announcement:
Public Safety Notice – Columbus
Dear Ohio State Community Member:
We are sharing the below information on a crime that occurred in the on-campus area.
The purpose of this message is to heighten your safety awareness by providing community members with information necessary to take appropriate precautions, enable you to take actions to help increase your safety, and to aid in the prevention of similar crimes.
Public Safety Notice For: Campus Area
Date: Thursday, March 10, 2022
The following crime occurred in the campus area
On 3/10/2021, at approximately 7:56 a.m., four students in Advanced Web Communications, entered their lecture room in Knowlton Hall to see the suspect, a University Professor, a white male, reported to be between the ages of 23 and 64, wearing a black dress, a white apron, a blue bubble gum-colored wig, and bedazzled cat ears. Upon the victims moving towards their seats, the suspect allegedly said “*rawr* XD. Wewcome to w-wwecture… stwudents ~UwU!” The victims, recalling that attendence was mandatory, sat down and braced themselves for the last lecture that would be covered in next week’s midterm. No physical injuries were reported. Additionaly, the professor allegedly hacked into the OSU email system, but no issues have been reported.
Cwimes are never the fauwt of the v-victim. The Ohio State Univewsity Powwice Division e-encouwages evewyone to wock doors and windows. When possible, secwure any balls of yawn ow bottles of w-white wiquid (wabeled miwk ow not) (≧◡≦) Pwease wawk wit fwiends o cowowkers a-and awways be aware of y-youw suwwoundings, and the cutesy-wootsey outfits of y-youw f-favowite senpai. i-if you see something,,, say something: wepowt suspicious behaviow by cawwing powice.
Additionaw safety wesouwces are avaiwable at: ( ˘⌣˘)♡(˘⌣˘ ) wewwness wesouwces are a-so awaiwable. stwudents in need of assistwance aw encouwaged to wuse:
- Counsewing and Consultation Sewvice (CCS)
- Stwudent Wewwness Centew
- Buckeye Peer Access wine
- Stwess, Twauma and Wesiwience (STAW) at Ohio State
Students can access a vawiety of other wesouwces accowding to intewest and need. CCS also pwovides guidance forw ways faculty and staff can support stwudents while in moe tasteful maid attwire). Faculty and stwaff are encouwaged to wuse the Empwowee Assistwance Pwogram or Your Pwan For Hwealth and Swafetee.
–By Idris Malik, Social Media Officer