After recent footage surfaced to the Sundial of Ted Carter and beloved mascot Brutus Buckeye taking a romantic walk around Mirror Lake at night, complete with holding hands and french kissing underneath the lights, students have been curious to see if this relationship would go any further.

While it was a pretty dry start to the semester relationship wise, students were shocked to find out that this budding buckeye love is continuing in the worst way possible.

In what was dubbed ‘Two Distinguished Gentleman, One Milkshake’, Brutus and Ted were spotted on a heart shaped blanket at Mirror Lake drinking a singular Mirror Lake Eatery Chocolate Milkshake together with two straws.

After the two shared a creamy milkshake, Ted opened up his wicker picnic basket to reveal a 3 Tender meal to share with Brutus. While we did expect Walter and Brutus to share the meal, we were shocked to see the two pull a Lady and the Tramp kiss with the tenders.

As the two pulled away, Carter was heard letting out an “OH” to which Brutus responded “IO.” After completing their tenders, Brutus and Ted moved onto the sauce. However, since we had already watched Ted and Brutus finish their Chicken Tenders, we wondered what they would do with the sauce. We soon found out that the sauce was somewhere that no one would ever want to speak of.

Once we got that image out of our heads, we looked back over at the two as Ted Carter started calling Brutus his “baby girl” and caressing the mascot. Brutus then started doing what Brutus does best, pounding his fists against his head as he got excited. Maybe a little too excited.

We left at that time, as it was getting late and past Princess Sundial’s bedtime, so we fled the scene but what not without the trauma of witnessing events straight out of A03.

Happy Valentine’s Day from the Sundial to you and yours, may you find the Brutus to complete your Ted Carter dreams.

Written by Nellie Moore