1. After Ranting About Your Latest Breakup
Picture this: You’ve sat down with your friends after class and begun spilling your guts about your ex-boyfriend. Sure, it lasted a weekend, but that isn’t the point. You’ve gone over every dirty little detail; from the first kiss at Bull’s to the colour of the guy’s frameless mattress. Your friends are wide-eyed and even look slightly disgusted, and you see that the student employees in the next room are trying very hard not to look in your direction. Not only have you spontaneously trauma-dumped to best friends that you made literally four weeks ago, but now several strangers know about your weekend stint.
Congrats! You’re now office gossip.
2. A Couple Engaging in Heavy PDA
The worst thing you can discover is that the person who took up the study room in Thompson for four hours isn’t even studying. An even WORSE thing you can discover is that it’s taken by two people crawling on each other like second-years wrestling over an RA position. They’re lying on each other, hands are in questionable places, and you swear you can hear someone reading bad Wattpad smut. Unfortunately, you soon find out that it’s the couple talking to each other in the study room. God. You can only hope that they realize the rooms aren’t soundproof AND people can see them fondling each other.
3. Ugly Laughing at Sundial TikToks
The best thing you can do while studying is to give yourself frequent 20-minute breaks in between those intense 5-minute study sessions. Scrolling through the Sundial’s Instagram and TikTok accounts, it’s hard not to belt out a wholesome, heartfelt belly laugh. But it’s not wholesome, and it’s definitely not heartfelt. You’ve let out the loudest wicked witch laugh that would be enough to make Brutus frown.
4. When Your Elderly Professor Blasts a Video at Full-Volume on Zoom
This is pretty self-explanatory. Those old bags of dust don’t know how to stop AutoPlay on YouTube or full screen a PowerPoint presentation. What makes you think they’ll be able to lower the volume on a documentary about racism in the 19th century? The worst part is that it isn’t the censored version. Maybe you should’ve remembered your AirPods.
5. Shouting at Your Group Partners for not Doing Their Work
You’ve sat down with your lab partners on the Friday before your lab is due. You’ve gotten up exactly seven days beforehand to reserve this study room, and you’d be damned before you meet in TerraByte again. Unfortunately, you find out that none of your lab partners have done their portion—including the one person who hasn’t showed up all semester. Instead of calling up your professor, you decide to grill your partners for not doing their part. Every single person in the library heard your rant and clapped for you.
Just kidding. You’re not confrontational.
Written by Grey Romohr