
Michigan Zine (2022)

Schools Prepare to Play Game or Something

Students across Ann Arbor and Ohio are excitedly gearing up for a rivalry basketball game that sources confirm will be “happening.” The University of Michigan and Ohio State University are excitingly preparing to duel on the court in a game… Continue Reading →

Xh FXck, MXchXgXn StXlX MX VXwXls

Xh gXd gXXs thXs XrtXclX Xs gXXng tX bX X mXss. XXX knXw hXw XSX crXssXs XXt thX Ms XvXrX XXXr fXr thX MXchXgXn gXmX? WXll thXX fXnXllX strXck bXck. ThXX tXXk XwXX Xll mX vXwXls! XnclXdXng thX sXmXtXmXs X!… Continue Reading →

University Offers Student Tickets to Michigan Game in Exchange for Free Labor in Dining Services

In order to capitalize on the steep demand for student tickets to see the Buckeyes absolutely obliterate the Wolverines, as well as fill the ever-present desperate need for staff in campus dining locations, the University is now offering one Block-O… Continue Reading →

Report: Football Game Held In Columbus on Thanksgiving Weekend a Little Tone-Deaf

Ahead of the upcoming Michigan vs. Ohio State football game, public discourse has described the Thanksgiving-adjacent game’s location of Columbus, Ohio to be “…a little tone-deaf.” The namesake of the central Ohio town being a man who committed a genocide… Continue Reading →

“It’s Actually ‘The’ Newest Strain of Chlamydia,” Report Ohio State Students

Researchers at Ohio State University have identified a new strain of “super-chlamydia” circulating through the student body which students have dubbed “THE newest strain of super-chlamydia.” Chief Medical Officer of OSU, Rob Gorman, issued a public state on the rise… Continue Reading →

Ancient Mayan Prophecy Predicts Ohio State Victory over Michigan

The Ohio State Buckeyes will soon face off against arch-nemesis the Michigan Wolverines in the most-anticipated game of the season. Both teams have been racking up an impressive number of wins in the past few months, leaving fans unsure which… Continue Reading →

“Shut Up, The Game’s On,” Says 911 Operator

Once a year in the fall, two BIG-10 teams of equal and close talent fight each other to find out who fields the truly better team. That game is the Michigan-Michigan State game. There’s also this other match. A match… Continue Reading →

Ohio State vs. Michigan: President Johnson’s Worst-Case Scenario Speech Leaked

This week, the Ohio State Buckeyes will face off against their arch-nemesis the Michigan Wolverines in the most-anticipated game of the season. Ohio State fans seemingly have nothing to worry about, as the Buckeyes have totally obliterated every opponent they’ve… Continue Reading →

Horseshoe Tunnel Being Renovated to Ensure Scuffle with Michigan Players

With the Michigan Wolverines football team having several fights occur in its team tunnel during recent weeks, Buckeyes coach Ryan Day has been itching to get in on the action. Although November 26th’s highly anticipated matchup will take place in… Continue Reading →

Beloved Actor Michigan J. Frog Found Dead Days Before Michigan Game

Michigan J. Frog, remembered mainly for his role in 1955’s One Froggy Evening and for being a supporting cast member of the Looney Tunes, died on November 11th, 2022 in an aggravated assault accident. Frog had been entertaining America for… Continue Reading →

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