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Campus Cafe Secret Menu to get you through Finals Week!

With Finals week fast approaching, it’s time to make the most of your campus coffee order. We sat down with the Sundial’s resident barista to curate our top picks to get you through finals week. The Cumulative Exam: For this… Continue Reading →

Bebe Rexha Actually Brutus Buckeye

“Where is Bebe Rexha when you need her?” This is the question nearly every OSU student is asking. Except for those working in the Ohio Union, who can expect to hear the update that she is still good, feeling alright,… Continue Reading →

“THE Ohio State University” vs “Ohio State”: Emergent Themes Behind Varied Behavior 

Across the Columbus campus, amidst the booming chants of “O-H-I-O,” a linguistic debate has emerged: whether to say “THE Ohio State University” or its more casual counterpart, “Ohio State.” What may seem like a trivial difference in article usage has… Continue Reading →

An Eclipse Family Tradition

In the year 1878, my great great great great great grandmother carried out the following ritual as she witnessed the very first solar eclipse of her lifetime. As time went on, this has become a tradition for the generations of… Continue Reading →

Eclipse Zine Art Compliation!

  First slide designed by Grey Romohr Fourth slide designed by Bridget McGuinness Fifth slide designed by Sydney Katznelson

OSU to Install Sandbox on Oval Beach

THE OVAL – To celebrate the launch of the high season, OSU officials are installing a sandbox on Oval Beach. Documents seen by The Sundial show it will be located immediately north of Hagerty Hall, beside one of Oval Beach’s… Continue Reading →

“The Talk” Featuring Bill Nye the Science Guy

On Monday, April 1, the beloved scientist and TV personality William “Bill” Sanford Nye came to The Ohio State University. As a scientist, Nye was tasked with presenting a topic few Ohio State students (especially Sundialers) have had experience with:… Continue Reading →

Princess Sundial Adopted by One Direction

Princess Sundial woke up, like she does every day, in her sweatpants and a top that would make the pinterest girlies jealous. Princess Sundial put her long blonde locks up into a messy-bun and threw on her hipster glasses before… Continue Reading →

OPINION: Fuck Off and Let Me Eat Sardines in Class

This message was sent in by a student to the official Sundial Gmail Address. They’ve wished to remain anonymous but we’ve credited them at the bottom of this article anyway. I DON’T KNOW WHICH ONE OF YOU DISLOYAL ASSHOLES HAD… Continue Reading →

OPINION: The New York Times Games Mean More Than My Horoscope

Like everyone, I need an external source to find my happiness for the day. Since Noodles the Bones dog died, my randomly determined source of happiness has taken my energy to his grave. Since December 2, 2022, some have turned… Continue Reading →

Gay Icon Bernie Moreno Wins Ohio Primary

COLUMBUS, OH — With possibly a little too much confetti, salesman and gay icon Bernie Moreno was voted as the Republican candidate for the Ohio Senate race late last night. Running on a platform opposing fifteen-minute cities, this car dealership… Continue Reading →

It’s Dirt Pile Season!

Regardless of what the groundhog predicted this year, it is evident from recent weather events that he managed to say both the right thing and the wrong thing at the same time. Has it been snowy and cold? Yes. Have… Continue Reading →

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