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EXPOSED: Ryan Day’s Biggest Secret Revealed!

Now that the temperature has dropped and Ohio State failed to make the playoffs, OSU fans everywhere ask themselves, “What is Ryan Day up to?” Here at the Sundial, we have a special look into the annual phenomenon of Ryan… Continue Reading →

Environmentally-Conscious Student Gets Mouth Stuck to Metal Straw

SOUTH CAMPUS–After the bitter cold on Tuesday morning, one can only marvel in the tenacity of OSU students and their commitment to braving the weather and making it to their classes. Even if it’s because they get 2 excused absences… Continue Reading →

BREAKING NEWS: Lost Freshmen in Enarson Spurs Crisis

ENARSON CLASSROOM BUILDING–As syllabus week comes and goes, Student Health Services must conquer a prominent threat to student safety. Entering the spring semester, many freshmen find themselves having classes in Enarson Classroom building, but unfortunately become lost in its labyrinthian… Continue Reading →

MURDER ON THE DANCEFLOOR: Sundial Director of Planning Bumped by Member of Scooter Mafia

THE OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY – It’s murder on the dancefloor! On his way down Mirror Lake’s scenic walk towards Pomerene Hall, the Sundial’s Director of Planning was bumped on his shoulder by a scooter. The alleged assailant wore an Ohio… Continue Reading →

OSU Queer Community Responds to Rag-O-Rama Closing

CLINTONVILLE, OH- After 25 beautiful years of clothing the gay people of the greater Columbus area, the beloved thrift store Rag-O-Rama has decided to close its poetry-slam-flier plastered doors.  For years, humanities majors at Ohio State University have gone to… Continue Reading →

Ohio State Board of Trustees to Replace “Carmen Ohio” with “Only in Ohio” by CG5

Written by Jackson Bean As the Spring 2024 semester begins and many students are returning to class, the board of trustees is also returning to their duties with a very important matter: Ohio State’s “Carmen Ohio” school song. In a… Continue Reading →

The Clogged Sink

Written by Olivia Dearth Mayday! Mayday!The sink is clogged. But who could have done this?This terrible block?The disposal’s gone quiet, sink filling with water.Cheerios returning from the depths, soggy fodder.Maybe it was the cat food I poured into the water… Continue Reading →

Devil’s Advocate Smited by God

Written by Macayla Childs and Reilly Ackermann Earlier this week, God appeared in Derby Hall as sheinterfered in what can only be called the best case of divine intervention since OSU beat Notre Dame a few weeks back. While in the… Continue Reading →

Brain-Maxxing: The New Year’s Resolution Taking Campus by Storm

Written by Alex Kandakatla In an astonishing twist to New Year’s resolutions, students across campus have reportedly been partaking in a trend known as “brain-maxxing”, the latest trend in self-improvement. Trading in their swipes for ice picks and tiny hammers,… Continue Reading →

New Year’s Rockin’ Eve to be held at Ohio State

Written by Nellie Moore Following the recent success of ‘Light Up The Lake’,  The Ohio State University has announced the next upcoming event they plan to use to make America forget they just lost to Michigan.   For the first time… Continue Reading →

Ryan Day Announces Starting Quarterback for Cotton Bowl

Written by Sydney Katznelson After short-lived quarterback Kyle McCord’s transfer to Syracuse; Ryan Day and the Buckeyes scramble to find a new quarterback to fill his almost-new shoes. While scavenging through the transfer portal Day was able to strike gold… Continue Reading →

BREAKING: Santa is a hoe hoe hoe!

Written by Santa’s Elf Twas the night before Christmas when all through the town, not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse; The stockings were hung by the chimney with care, In hopes that St. Nicholas would be there. … Continue Reading →

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