
Year in Review (2020-21)

The past year was a challenging one for many reasons. While sustainability efforts were affected by the pandemic, our student leaders found ways to keep fighting food waste! We were awarded the “CFAES Student Org of the Year” for our initiatives.

Here are some highlights from last year we’re especially proud of! Thanks to everyone who played a role in supporting our mission of fighting food waste and being sustainable this year.

CFAES features Know Food Waste in a news article

Food waste rotting in landfills emits methane, a greenhouse gas that makes climate change worse. But a group of CFAES students is doing its part to fight the problem—starting at home on the Ohio State campus.

The student members of Know Food Waste (KFW) are committed to two missions: first, to educate people about reducing food waste, and second, to explore ways to help right on campus.

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