Venue & Accommodations

Venue & Accommodations

“Future Directions” will take place at The Ohio State University, in Columbus, Ohio.

See Google Maps here


Accommodations near Ohio State

The University Hospitality District (UHD) website shares helpful information about hotels, places to eat, and things to do around Columbus!


Student Travel Awards

MASCATS is pleased to sponsor $1,500 for student travel awards.

If you are a student first author of a presentation/poster at Future Directions, you are invited to apply for a travel award here!.


Travel to Music Theory Midwest

Music Theory Midwest will take place in Madison, WI from May 15-16, 2020. Since Future Directions will take place in Columbus, OH from May 10-14, 2020, it is possible for people attending both conferences to travel together from Columbus to Madison.

If you are interested in sharing a ride with someone to travel to MTMW, please fill out this form.

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