Brendan, what the hell man? This is like the third time this week. It was funny the first time, but now? Move on dude, the joke’s over. I’ll admit, it was even pretty great the second time when you said “nobody gets hard like the B-Dawg,” but this was just one time too far. At some point you have to look around and ask yourself “should I get hard right now?” and this is that point for you. You’re at a crossroads Brendan. You can either go down the path leading to a happy and fulfilling life, or you can go down the path leading to you getting a full-blown chubber in a Burger King and saying “This is MY Whopper.” Is that where you want to be Brendan? Hard in a Burger King? Get it together man.

I know you didn’t have the greatest example growing up. Your dad wasn’t around much, and when he was he was hard as a rock, but you don’t have to be like your father. Be your own man Brendan. Be your own man.

Sometimes a situation calls for something other than getting hard; sometimes it calls for getting downright soft. And you know what a real man does then? He gets soft. He for sure doesn’t get hard. It takes a mature, well-rounded person to do what’s right, especially when what’s right isn’t hard, and that’s the hardest thing to do. 

You need to look inward, and figure out what your purpose is in this world, because no matter what you may think right now, it’s not getting hard. You’re more than that Brendan, I know you are. It’s time for you to believe in yourself Brendan, and also to stop getting hard. Cause you know what? Some people do get hard like the B-Dawg. In fact, countless people get hard like the B-Dawg gets hard. Your friends do. Your boss does. My God Brendan, I do. You’re not alone in this Brendan, there are so many people who love and support you and also get hard sometimes. We care about you, we’re here for you, and we believe in you. Please stop getting hard Brendan. Just please stop getting hard.

Written by Zack White, Staff Writer