For Lesbians, good representation in the media has often been a scarcity. For the majority of my life, I looked to sapphic-coded, “tom-boy” side characters with long-haired boyfriends and straight women in flannels to try to see a reflection of myself on screen. In the drought, however, was someone who was boldly themselves, an out and proud woman lover. Someone who openly was gay and also the worst. Ellen DeGeneres. Below are some reasons why me and Ellen just get each other:

  1. I Don’t Like When People Look at Me

I wish I was the type of woman who could look at someone face to face without the urge to tremble in fear, but being perceived is hard!!! Poor Ellen just fired a couple of unpaid interns for looking her in the eye, and is that SOOO wrong??

  1. I Love to Dance

Chappell Roan’s discography gets my blood pumpin’. Plain and simple. Ever since Jojo Siwa invented the genre of Gay Pop in the year 2024, it’s been virtually impossible to keep myself off the dance floor. I know Ellen is in a mansion somewhere feeling the same.

  1. We’re the Only Two Gay People My Aunt Knows

And she just wants to emphasize that she is FINE with that lifestyle!! It’s not for her, but to each their own!!

  1. I Love Heartwarming Internet Stories

One of my favorite hobbies is shedding tears while couples on the street are interviewed by a teenager with a blue raspberry vape in one hand and a tiny microphone in the other. Throughout her daytime TV career, Ellen would often bring on guests who she knew would tug on her viewers’ heartstrings. She just sees me, ya know?

  1. I Think Portia’s Hot

She played Lindsay Bluth on Arrested Development. Self Explanatory.

Written by Macayla Childs and Hannah Buss