Dear Amy,

I have a serious problem. There’s this person that I have a crush on, but there’s no way she even knows I exist. You see, she writes this incredibly funny advice column for a very popular humor magazine. I can tell from the way she writes that she must be the smartest and most interesting person on the earth, but I have no way to get in contact with her.

Crushing on a Cute Columnist

Dear Crushing on a Cute Columnist,

I’m glad you reached out to tell me about your feelings. I wonder who you’re crushing so hard on? Clearly it can’t be anyone from this unfunny advice column in a moderately popular humor magazine. Maybe it’s one of my friends over at the Princeton Tiger. I could do my usual shtick and give you some wildly unhelpful advice, but this situation seems too serious. Have you thought about writing in to the column with a question about how much you like this cute columnist and how you hope to get in contact with her? There’s no way she won’t know you’re interested then. I hope that helps you Crushing on a Cute Columnist, and good luck with your crush, she sounds cool.

An anonymous Sundial member whose name definitely won’t be in the byline

Written by Hannah Wagner, Senior Staff Member